Mineral-Rich Mountains

Resources Market Infrastructure Policy

Resources: A measure of total energy production and consumption per capita

Market: The cost of consumption, measured in electricity prices and gasoline taxes

Infrastructure: Capacity to generate and refine energy sources; miles of pipelines

Port of Morgan crossing

Several natural gas import/export locations are found on the border between Montana and Canada, the most important of which is the Port of Morgan crossing, where between 20% and 25% of net U.S. natural gas imports from Canada enter the country. This point also marks the beginning of the Northern Border Pipeline system, which connects the growing U.S. Midwest market with the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.

Diverse Resources on Tribal Lands

The federal government holds 28.9% of land in Montana, and federally recognized Native American tribes hold 6%. Portions of the tribal land sit on top of a wealth of coal, crude oil and natural gas resources.

Natural Gas Production on Federal Lands

The federal government holds 48.2% of land in Wyoming, and two-thirds of its natural gas is produced on federal leaseholds.

Leasing for Geothermal Projects

The federal government holds 36.2% of land in Colorado. Federal agencies have begun leasing some of this land for geothermal projects.

State Profiles