Hydro Northwest

Resources Market Infrastructure Policy

Resources: A measure of total energy production and consumption per capita

Market: The cost of consumption, measured in electricity prices and gasoline taxes

Infrastructure: Capacity to generate and refine energy sources; miles of pipelines

Columbia River

The Columbia River is one of the most hydroelectrically developed river systems in the world, with more than 470 dams on the main stem and tributaries.

Grand Coulee Dam

The Grand Coulee Dam is the largest hydropower producer in the United States. Each year, it generates more than 21 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity—enough to supply 2.3 million households with electricity.

Hells Canyon

Idaho Power's Hells Canyon complex is the largest privately owned hydroelectric power complex in the nation.

Bonneville Dam

The Bonneville, John Day, Dalles and McNary dams on the Columbia are Oregon's four largest electricity generation facilities.

State Profiles